Thursday, February 19, 2015


Today is a good day. Okay, everyone say is one more time, and say it like you mean it. Today is a good day! Today is good because you decided to commit to waking up your body. My last blog we talked about keep moving. One fundamental aspect of fitness is movement of the body. For me my movement takes me to my job where I can end up walking 5 miles a day (no desk job here). Other activities include working out at the gym, biking, jogging, tennis and yoga.  It sounds like a lot, but doing activities in moderation and making sure you get enough rest and nutrition is key to the new and improved you. So, what would you like to do today?

For those just starting out, slow and easy is the way to go. One activity that most of us can participate in is walking. The ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine) recommends moderate intensity of aerobic/ cardiorespiratory exercise training for 30 minutes, 5 days per week for most adults. This can be increased as the person becomes more physically able to do more. One way to make sure you are on track and not over or under doing it is the simple, but efficient "talk test." If you are walking with someone, carry on a conversation with that person. If you can talk without labored breathing you are doing fine. Of course if you are doing all of the talking you might want to pick up the pace a little. And if you're gasping for air, slow it down. When you get good at this you can add more time or intensity. And when you feel you want to up your game, gradually add jogging for a few minutes interspersed with walking.

Once you start feeling and seeing the benefits of walking your new awakened self, and make the mind/ body connection, you will want to do other activities. You will wake up each day looking forward to all the fun possibilities that let you move your body.
Until next time...keep moving.    

Monday, December 1, 2014


Since the beginning of time, or at least as long as I have been on this planet, people have asked, How can we have a long and healthy life? How can we feel and look younger? What's the secret, we yell as our fists are pumped to the sky.
As Po's father explained to him in Kung Fu Panda when talking about the family's secret recipe for noodle soup ..."The secret is that there is no secret."  We as humans have yet to figure this out. The billion dollar cosmetic industry and the many As Seen on TV products are proof.

There are, however, a few common sense approaches that may be useful. Yes, we have heard them before, but some of us have selectively tuned them out. Throw out the cigarettes, eat a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables and whole grains and fiber (don't forget the fiber). Limit the amount of sweets, salt, fat, and alcohol in your diet. Drink plenty of water and get a good night's rest (8 hours), and of course get some exercise. Exercise? Yes we have to keep moving. Keep Moving. Use it or lose it applies here, people. 

Here's the scary part... 
According to the CDC more than one-third of U.S adults (78 million) and 17% of youth (12 million) are considered obese (35 pounds overweight). More women than men under age 40, more men that women over age 40, and greater if you live in the South and the Midwest. Health related issues from obesity are heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer. Wow!

Here's a short story... How many of you have seen the movie WALL-E? After destroying Earth's environment, what is left of the human race escapes the planet to live in super spaceships were everything is done for them by machines and robots.
After hundreds of years in space, humans have turned into Doughboy-like blobs who can barely move. Are we heading in that direction? We already have all the modern conveniences to serve our needs. Pass me another burrito on my electric scooter, please. 

So here it is...take the scary part and add in the story and what do you get? Your unknown future.

Luckily, we have the free will to choose and change our lives at anytime. Every day, every minute can be a new start. If you are not happy with how you feel or look or who you are, you can change that. It is your pivotal turning point in your life. That new epiphany is your motivation to change and I'm here to help.    

For now a good starting point is to get up and move. Get up and go for a walk, hop on a bike, take a yoga class. Let your body move, bend and stretch. How good it feels, waking up the mind and the body. Breathe. It feels awesome.  Next time I will explore some more ways to get you motivated to move. Until then...Keep Moving!


Thursday, November 13, 2014


Beginnings. That's what every day is all about. You wake up and start a fresh new day. You may start out slow, a little unsure where your day will take you. As you begin to move about, you join the rest of humanity in this thing called life. For many of us our days are filled with appointments, traffic, cell phone calls and text messages, Facebook, twitter, emails, and fast food. We start with a list that we rush to complete through the day. 
Brasil2 with Getty Images
So where does taking care of ourselves come in? Some of us have placed ourselves on the list. For others, the list is an all-consuming progression moving then from point A to point Z, and the "you" is nowhere to be found. When that happens we lose ourselves. Much of Americans are at this place, racing down the wrong road: a nation that's overweight and over-medicated. We need help getting up in the morning and help getting to sleep at night. We have lost touch with the Self in this increasingly fast-paced world.
 As I begin this blog on this beautiful, crisp fall day along the Gulf Coast, I think of all the positive possibilities, connections, and outcomes that can be achieved. The title of this blog... Everyday Fitness 365... is all about making small changes in your life. Its not to beat you down but to pick you up. To show you ways that you can gain back that oneness, that essence that is called "you," one step at a time.

We will explore together a hundred topics on how to get there. Fitness is more than exercise; its a mind-body connection, emotional and full of spirit. It's an exploration that is personal to each of us. I hope to be that guide, coach, and teacher as we journey and learn together.
My personal saying is "Keep Moving." which is an insight into my next post.
Till next time...Keep Moving